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Having trouble with your MadKin nail products or want to learn more about how to use them? Browse the frequently asked questions below, or don’t hesitate to contact us directly.
How To Use Your Dipping Kit
MadKin Dipping Kit Instructions
- Wash your hands in warm water & make sure your liquids are at room temp. Glass is a really good insulator & if your liquids are cold, the Top Coat will NOT dry.
- Buff all surfaces of your natural nails, removing all the shine, push back the cuticles & clean off all nails with our special formulated Nail Cleanser. (Purchased separately).
- Apply Primer (Step 1) to all of your natural nails. Apply tips at this point if you are going to.
- Shake all powders to mix them well due to settlement when stored. One nail at a time, apply a THIN layer of Base Coat (Step 2) to your nail, then slowly dip into our Pure Diamond Clear Powder. Wait for a couple seconds before you dust off the excess with our dust brush. I normally dip one nail, dip another one, then go back to the previous nail and dust it, do another nail & then go back to the previous nail & dust it off. This allows the nail to dry so you don’t get brush ripples in the powder on the nails. Repeat on all of your nails.
- Repeat #4 on all nails using the color of choice & apply 2-3 layers of the desired color, then always encapsulate in the Pure Diamond Clear. Encapsulating in clear gives the nail its strength & prevents you from filing of any color or glitter when shaping.
- Apply a generous coat of Activator (Step 3) to all nails & wait AT LEAST 4 mins until nails have hardened with no tacky feeling. This step is VERY IMPORTANT to actually time. The activator MUST have time to soak thru & harden all the layers of acrylic that you have applied. If it does not dehydrate all the way thru, you will have drying issues with the Top Coat.
- File, Shape & buff all nails. Wipe all nails off again with our Nail Cleanser, removing all dust.
- Apply another layer of Activator (Step 3). Allow it to dry for about 30 seconds. If a shattered glass look occurs on the finished Top Coat when it is dry, especially medical care providers, you may not need this extra step of activator. Judge accordingly.
- Apply an EXTREMELY THIN layer of Air Dry Top Coat (Step 4) to all nails and let dry for about 5 mins. TIME THIS STEP!! If it isn’t fully dry, the next layer of Top Coat you apply for shine will take forever to dry.
- Once dry, apply another layer of Top Coat for shine. Add your cuticle oil to nail beds to moisturize & use as needed during the day. Remove with 100% acetone.
For more information visit MadKinBeauty.com and for tips and inspo, follow us on all our social media.
How To Use Your Dipping Kit With A Gel Top Coat
MadKin Dipping Kit Instructions Using Gel Top Coat
- Wash your hands in warm water & make sure your liquids are at room temp. Glass is a really good insulator & if your liquids are cold, the Top Coat will NOT dry.
- Buff all surfaces of your natural nails, removing all the shine, push back the cuticles & clean off all nails with our special formulated Nail Cleanser. (Purchased separately). Apply tips at this point if you are going to.
- Apply Primer & BondAid (Step 1) to all of your natural nails.
- Shake all powders to mix them well due to settlement when stored. One nail at a time, apply a THIN layer of Base Coat (Step 2) to your nail then slowly dip into our Pure Diamond Clear Powder. Wait for a couple seconds before you dust off the excess with our dust brush. I normally dip one nail, dip another one, then go back to the other nail and dust it, do another nail & then go back to the previous nail & dust it off. This allows the nail to dry so you don’t get brush ripples in the powder on the nails. Repeat on all of your nails.
- Repeat #4 on all nails using the color of choice & apply 2-3 layers of the desired color, then always encapsulate in the Pure Diamond Clear. Encapsulating in clear gives the nail its strength and prevents you from filing of any color or glitter when shaping.
- Apply a generous coat of Activator (Step 3) to all hails & wait AT LEAST 4 mins until nails have hardened with no tacky feeling. This step is VERY IMPORTANT to actually time. The activator MUST have time to soak thru & harden all the layers of acrylic that you have applied. If it does not dehydrate all the way thru, you will have Top Coat drying issues.
- File, Shape & buff all nails. Wipe all nails off again with the Nail Cleanser, removing all dust.
- Apply another layer of Activator (Step 3). Allow it to dry for about 30 seconds.
- Here is where the process changes! Instead of applying the Step #4 Top Coat, you will now apply a coat of our Super Sticky Gel Base Coat and cure for 60 secs.
- Apply a coat of our Extreme Shine, No Wipe Gel Top Coat and cure for 90 secs. The Gel Top Coat requires no wiping with our nail cleanser or alcohol after. Once you cure…… You are ready to go! Add your cuticle oil to nail beds to moisturize & use as needed during the day. Remove with 100% acetone.
For more information visit MadKinBeauty.com and for tips and inspo, follow us on all our social media.
How do I apply Chrome Pigments?
You MUST have a No Wipe Gel Top Coat to apply. For the longevity of the top coat, I recommend using a gel base coat prior to using the top coat.
Once you have done your mani, filled and buff the nails leaving them a bit rough then apply the gel base coat and cure under an LED/UV light for 60-90 secs. apply the No Wipe Gel Top Coat and cure for only 15-18 secs. Remove from the light and use a small sponge to rub on the chrome pigment. Dust off the excess and then finished curing the nail for 60 secs. Add one more coat of the No Wipe Gel Top Coat and cure for 90 secs. add cuticle oil and you are good to go. No need in wiping it off with cleanser or alcohol wipes or waiting for it to dry.
I am experiencing lifting, what causes this?
If lifting is experienced, there are typically a few general causes:
When initially filing/buffing the nail, make sure to get all surfaces of the nail, then make sure the Primer is applied over the entire natural nail, including edges and the front of the nail (if the nail is not capped well, the dip powder will lift at the front edges of the nail). The Primer is a PH adjusting product that also dehydrates the nail which allows the base coat to adhere to the nail better. Prep to the natural nail is key. It must be rough in order for the bahse coat to create a tight bond.
When applying the Air Dry Top Coat, make sure the nail has been properly cleansed with our Nail Cleanser to remove all the nail powder dust. The Top Coat must be laid in a uniform manner making sure all sides and the front edges are “capped”. This will prevent the product from lifting at both the edges and the front of the nail. Make sure when applying the Base Coat to not get any of the product on the actual cuticle or any surrounding skin, as this will not adhere and allow moisture and air to get under the finished nail which will cause lifting.
What happens if I nick one of my nails before it is dry?
If a nail is nicked or messed up before it is dry, allow it to finish drying and then just file and buff the nail again and re-apply the first, thin layer again, wait 2 minutes, and apply second coat. You CANNOT just lick the nail, like with regular fingernail polish, and smooth out the messed-up area. Licking it will cause the Top Coat to have a whitish, hazy appearance, only resulting in having to file that Top Coat off, cleans again with the nail cleanser and apply the Top Coat again to that particular nail.
Why does my top coat look like it contains bubbles or seems like there is a film/streak rather than a normal shine?
Make sure the Activator has time to completely dry (approximately 2 minutes) before you apply the Top Coat. After the Activator is dry, the nail should be shaped and buffed then wiped with our Nail Cleanser. Once this is completed, the Top Coat should be applied; 1st coat should be applied quick and thin. We recommend you do all 5 fingers on one hand at once and by the time you finish, the first nail should be dry. Applying the Top Coat before the Activator is dry, will cause the Top Coat to be distorted, causing bubbles or a streaking appearance to occur. Also, applying the second layer of Top Coat over an undried 1st layer of Top Coat will cause the same distortion.
Also, if the appearance of bubbles or likewise appearance is visible, the possible cause could be a contaminated brush. If you have used the Top Coat within the standard 2-minute dry time, you may have contaminated the Top Coat brush and/or liquid with undried acrylic powder. Once the powder gets in the brush, it can look like “bubbles” on the top coat. If you think this may have happened, take your brush out and wipe with a lint free paper towel, then soak your brush in the “Brush Extender” for 15 minutes. Take the brush out, wipe it again with the lint free paper towel. Repeat these steps until there is no contamination on the brush (typically once or twice is sufficient).
How do I remove my dipped nail set or acrylic nail set?
We recommend the use of our 100% acetone. It is easiest to soak a cotton ball in the acetone and place on the nail, then wrap aluminum foil around the cotton ball and finger to hold in place and allow it to soak for 20-30 minutes. There are nail clips that can be purchased that will hold the soaked cotton ball in place or trays that can be filled with acetone, but it will take much longer. A glass bowl is also fine to use. If using a bowl, warming the acetone can speed up the soaking off process. A way to warm is as follows:
Get a plastic ziplock bag and add either paper towel or cotton balls in it and then pour in enough acetone to cover your nail tips. Then, add some water in a bowl and heat the water up only, then place the bag with acetone in the water and simply soak your nails in the bag. Do NOT heat the acetone itself in the microwave. The paper towel is used only to be an abrasive surface for you to rub against, helping lift the acrylic. Some people also use a dryer sheet instead because of the lotions that are in them, leaving their hands feeling softer and moisturized. Also, periodically scrapping the nails with a cuticle pusher or a hard orange stick will help remove the acrylic a little quicker. You can also stop, let your nails dry, and file them a bit then continue to soak to remove the acrylic as well. If you will file off the top coat of all nails, it will also help the process go faster. If you get white chunky stuff accumulating, don’t be alarmed, it’s the old acrylic that has been soaked off. If it is bothersome, I suggest getting a new bag of fresh acetone for the other hand.
The lid on my base coat and/or top coat appears to be stuck. What has happened?
Both the Base Coat and Top Coat contain very strong adhesives that are responsible for the bonding that causes long lasting durability of the finished nails. If any of the product gets on the threads on the bottle neck it will cause the lid to adhere to the bottle which makes it hard to open.
- NEVER use heated water or other source of heat to help unstick bottle. These products are very sensitive to heat and light, both of which can affect the underlying chemical makeup.
- NEVER use pliers or other tools to try and open the bottles.
- NEVER try and soak the lid off in acetone or other liquids.
- NEVER hit the lid on any surface trying to loosen
We recommend cleaning the bottles neck threads after each use with acetone making sure you DO NOT get any inside the bottles. After it is cleansed, you can put a small amount of cuticle oil or Vaseline on the threads to make it easier to open the next time.
My dipped nails have grown out; can I fill the nails or do I need to remove and re-apply?
You can infill lighter colors, but this is hard to do on dipped nails. For most color applications we recommend removing the entire nail set or efile down to the first clear dip. If you are attempting a fill, we recommend you lightly file a thin layer of all the old dip powder off, attempting to smooth the transition from the old dip powder to the newly grown nail. Use our Nail Cleanser to clean the nail, then begin the set as if dipping a new set. The most difficult part of this is filing the old dip powder off, making the transition into the new growth of the nail smooth. This can be done, but is difficult even for most nail technicians. We recommend just removing the set and putting on a fresh, new set. I mean, that is what is fabulous about our product. You have everything you need right there to have a fresh, new set at all times.
Why do I feel stuffy/congested after doing my nails?
If you experience any stuffiness or congestion after or while you are doing your nails, you could be reacting to one of the products. If this happens, we recommend you wear a mask and always make sure you are working in a well-ventilated area. If this does not prevent the irritation, we suggest to temporarily stop using the product and get some fresh air.
How do I use the Brush Saver solution?
Your Base or Top Coat brush starts to get a bit gunky, sticky or contaminated with color.
- Unscrew your Brush Saver brush and set aside.
- Unscrew your Base or Top Coat lid, and cover that bottle with plastic wrap.
- Screw your Base or Top Brush into the Brush Saver liquid.
- Let it sit for about 15 minutes.
- Place cleaned brush back into your Base or Top Coat bottle.
- Replace the Brush Saver brush into the Brush Saver liquid.
- The Brush Saver is also an extra brush if you should need to completely replace a brush on any of your liquids.
Another way is to simply unscrew your Base or Top Coat lid and the Brush Saver lid. Swap the caps and go from there. The brush from the Brush Saver should be cleaned and ready to go. I would go back after about 20 mins and wipe through the brush in the brush saver with a paper towel getting out the gunk.
Extra brushes and brushes with new lids are available on the site for purchase.