A house needs a sturdy, properly laid foundation to withstand harsh weather and stand tall for years, right?
Watch as Natalie explains how to apply the first couple steps of your dip set for a strong foundation.
Same concept with your Madkin Beauty nails. Your base coat and first layer of Pure Diamond are the foundation of your nail set. If you lay the foundation correctly, your nails can last two weeks or longer without unwanted speed bumps and without separating from your natural nail.
Watch this video for Natalie’s tips for the perfect base coat and first layer of pure diamond. She gives you the dos and don’ts of these critical first steps.
Need some tips on prepping your nails before you dive into your next set? Watch this video on the perfect nail prep.
Any questions about our products? Message us on Facebook, or contact us.
Great news for you! We’ve extended our special 30% off offer on our Pro and Basic Nail Kits through October 25.
- Pro Dipping Kits: Now $64
- Basic Dipping Kits: Now $45
WATCH: Natalie tells you more about this awesome sale here.
PLUS:Â Every order receives a free Hey Boo accent glitter!
Get your Christmas shopping done early and share this with a friend!